Feature Update: Twitter Social Interactions Discontinued

Twitter social interactions were discontinued in effective April 30, 2023. But don’t worry, your Twitter referrer data will still be available.
What is changing?
Starting on April 30, 2023, social interaction counts for Twitter and tweet cards will no longer be available in Analytics. This will not affect referrer analytics for Twitter. You will still be able to see how Twitter is driving users to your content in the dashboard Referrers tab.

What is a social interaction in
Social interactions in are a way to measure how content is being shared and interacted with on various social networks, such as the number of Facebook posts or tweets about a given piece of content. Social interaction data will remain available for Facebook and Pinterest.

Why are Twitter interactions being discontinued in
Twitter has been, and continues to be, in a state of transition. Twitter recently decided, on short notice, to dramatically change the terms and pricing of the agreement we had to license the Twitter data. We have attempted to work with Twitter in good faith to negotiate new terms, but we have not been able to reach an agreement. Analytics will continue to support referrer analytics for Twitter and other social networks, and will remain open to working with Twitter on a new agreement that would allow us to restore this data source.
We understand this change may cause some inconvenience, and we apologize for any disruption to your workflows. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at